October 10, 2014
6 Things to include When Building a Home office

Regardless of whether your home office is a designated space for operating a business or just a nook where you can retire in peace and organize your schedule, read a book or surf the Internet, it’s a great idea to have much more than just a standard modular metal desk and industrial-looking chair. And, why exactly is this office space so important..?

The answer is very simple, it’s a part of your house which you have designed with a lot of care and attention to detail and there is no reason why it should be treated any differently from the rest of your home. If you are extending your home to include a home office or creating a home office in your existing home, these are the aspects you should be focusing on:

Home office factors to focus on:

The Location:

This is a very important factor and if you are going to be conducting your business out of this area, it’s important that you do not scrimp on space. You might just feel its okay to create your home office in that windowless closet, just because you want to preserve your guest room. Stop right there and think again… Do you really feel that you can afford all the distractions or even the human traffic while you are engrossed in work?

Wouldn’t it be a smarter choice to plan your home office in a quiet corner of the house? On the other hand, if you are actually “building”, as in extending the exiting space in your home and constructing your home office, you might have some more scope for getting creative.


Another aspect that you should focus on is functionality. Though form and beauty is important, never sacrifice functionality for it. You will rue it later. Consider your workflow & all the items that you are going to need at your fingertips, before you actually go ahead and invest in furniture. Check the size of the room and buy furniture accordingly, and invest in an ergonomically-designed chair for yourself.


Though this might seem more like an aesthetic aspect, remember that paint is more than just about looks and ambience. The right colour can put you in the right mood. For instance, if you settle for standard office beige, it might not get your work motor humming at all. Depending on the kind of work you plan on getting done in your home office, you could opt for bright and cheery colours or calming and soothing ones. It’s a proven fact that colours can affect your mood, so why not make the smart choice?!

Getting a View:

Though this is not always something you can have complete control over (especially if you are using an existing room in the house as a home office), if you are building, try to find a side of your property that has a better view. If you have a certain room to work within, check if you can enlarge the windows and get in some more natural light into the room. Position your desk in such a manner that you will not be left staring at a wall in the room.

Plenty of Storage:

With any new construction, ensure that you are making enough of space for displaying your books or accessories. Having the right spot for everything will help you organize the room in a much better way. If you are an avid reader or a your work requires a lot of research, build storage and book cases along the walls and go vertical while getting them designed.

Square footage is not something you may not always have in plenty, but incorporating some smart storage solutions can go a long way in un-cluttering the space. It will help you think better, get more creative and leave more room for some seating.

Lighting your Office:

Get the right lighting in your home office. You will need some task lighting around your desk and a table lamp. But you can afford to have the builder/designer add some recessed or track lighting as required.

Design your Home Office in a way that suits you

After all, your home office is a reflection of your personality and you should aim to make it as comfortable and customized as possible. Planning all these details in advance will save you a lot of trouble and money on alterations after everything is in place. Make the right choice and plan your home study right!!

If you are thinking about extending your existing residential property to include a home office and would like to find out how much it will cost before committing to anything, try our Building Cost Calculator to get an approximate quote and move one step closer to that home office you have been wanting.

Thanks for reading,
Eastcoast Builders Penrith
0414 446 572

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